UPDATE: More information on the progress of this transition is available and will continue to be updated on this page.
Back in 2016, Mettler Toledo purchased Troemner. You can read about it in this Mettler-Toledo earnings press release. Troemner manufactures the Talboys line of laboratory equipment, including a number of items which we sell on our orbitalshakers.net, stirrers.net, and homogenizers.net marketplaces. They are beginning to transition much of the lab equipment from the Troemner / Talboys brand to the Ohaus brand (MT also owns Ohaus). The underlying equipment will be exactly the same with the exception of some cosmetic changes. It will still be manufactured in the same facility by the same people. It will still have an epic 5-year warranty. (EDIT: As of 3/18/2018, we learned that the warranty on Ohaus products that were formerly Troemner products will be Ohaus’ 2 year warranty.) As part of that transition, we will soon be making changes, most of them cosmetic, to the Troemner products listed on our marketplaces as well.

Here is the Talboys Professional 1000-3 incubated shaker …
During this time, you may notice that some of your favorite Troemner / Talboys items are rebranded from Troemner to Ohaus. It is also possible that if you order a Troemner / Talboys item during this transition period that you receive the item with Ohaus branding. Please rest assured that it is the exact same item. As Troemner clears existing stock of items which will be sold as Ohaus, they will no longer be producing those items with the Troemner / Talboys branding.
As soon as we have all the necessary information, we will post publicly what Troemner items offered on our marketplaces will be changed to Ohaus, what will remain Troemner-branded, and what will be discontinued. We are currently working with both Troemner and Ohaus to ensure that the information we have is complete and correct before we make any changes or post any information.

… and here is the Ohaus ISLD04HDG incubated orbital shaker. Look familiar?
If you have any questions about this transition or how it may affect you, please feel free to contact us – or Troemner or Ohaus – at any time.